
Displaying items by tag: Southern Waters Consulting - Projects 2014

A ‘high resolution’ EFlows Assessment of the Kafue River downstream of Ithezi-Thezi, including the Kafue Flats, which consolidates available information and uses it to predict ecosystem responses and the linked social implications to a changes in a range of aspects linked to water-resource development and climate change, such as the flow regime, hydropeaking; sediment dynamics and consideration of the confounding influence of non-flow related issues, such as invasive plants and crayfish, encroachment of human settlements, and; erosion.

Additional Info

  • client: GIZ
  • from: 2019
  • to: 2021
  • country: Zambia
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Environmental Flow Specialist Consultant.
The project is phase 1 of the Kenyan Water Security and Climate Resilience Project (KWSCRP),which has three inter-related components supporting the project development objective,the first is water-resources development,the second is effective water sector institutions and the thrd is support of project implementation.The Environmental Flow Specialist provides support for all three of these through a combination of technical and capacity building tasks.

Additional Info

  • client: Ministry of Water and Irrigation of Kenya /Aurecon
  • from: 2017
  • to: 2019
  • country: Kenya
  • region Nairobi
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Environmental Flow Task Leader:In line with the ZAMCOM Agreement, the overall objective of the assignment is to support the promotion and coordination of the cooperative management and development of the water resources of the Zambezi Watercourse in a sustainable and climate resilient manner. This will be achieved through the development and implementation of a comprehensive Decision Support System for general decision-making, planning, management, utilisation, development, protection and conservation of the water resources of the Zambezi Basin.
The main components of the assignment are:
1) Upgrading of the existing ZAMWIS Database to be able to serve the DSS purpose.
2) Design and development of the ZAMWIS-Decision Support System.
3) Capacity building at the ZAMCOM Secretariat as well as in the Riparian States. This includes the preparation of a human resource development plan and a proposal for how to fund such a plan.

Additional Info

  • client: ZAMCOM/DHI
  • from: 2017
  • to: 2019
  • country: Angola, Namibia, Botswana, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania
  • region Southern Africa
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