Southern Waters was commissioned by the GWP to lead a local team of specialists through an EFlows assessment Pungwe River. This project started in mid-May 2022 and will be completed by September 2023.

The Africa's Living Rivers Programme: Knowledge Capture Project, which started in April 2021, aims to develop libraries of generic DRIFT (Downstream Response to Imposed Flow Transformations) response curves that link physical-chemical-biological drivers and ecological-social responses for rivers and estuaries in the SADC (Southern African Development Community). These will allow a coarse-level DRIFT eco-social model to be set up for most major SADC river basins and provide a first level of predictions of the ecological and social implications (risks) of proposed management actions related to changes in the flow of water and sediment without the time or expense of a multidisciplinary team working over many months.

Southern Waters was commissioned by the GoM to evaluate the impacts on the Shire River associated with the updated design of Mpatamanga HPP, specifically the attenuation of peaking power releases by the RRD. The ToR for the assignment included: a. Update the technical due diligence model with the current RRD location  (RRD version 6), providing quantitative analysis for this assignment; b. Review the Multiconsult EFlows assessment in relation to the updated design of the Mpatamanga HPP (i.e., including the RRD) and identify risks, impacts, benefits and additional mitigation measures  as necessary; c. Assess the current trajectory of the overall ecosystem condition using available (desktop) information; d. Provide a conceptual evaluation of possible mitigation/offset options, with Mpatamanga HPP operating with the proposed RRD; and e. Prepare a Rapid Cumulative Impact Assessment (RCIA) according to the IFC Good Practice Handbook on Cumulative Impact Assessment (CIA), based on information available in the Multiconsult EFlows Assessment.

The Terms of Reference for this assignment were to review the Environmental and Social (E&S) safeguard policies of selected Multilateral Financial Institutions (MFIs, such as EBRD, IFC and WB) for reference and recommendations related to EFlows in the E&S policy documents, comparing these with the Safeguard Policy Statement (SPS) and recommend how/where to integrate EFlows in the new revised SPS of the ADB. The deliverables are linked to two main phases:

  1. Review the safeguard policies of selected MFIs (such as EBRD, IFC and WB) for EFlows Issues/standards, comparing these with the Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) SPS
  2. Evaluate integration of EFlows into the new revised safeguards policy statement of the ADB.

A ‘high resolution’ EFlows Assessment for the Hlotse River, Lesotho was done to support implementation of the Lesotho Lowland Bulk Water Supply Scheme in Zones 2 and 3 (Hlotse and Maputsoe). The results will be used to better define the magnitude and extent of potential impacts (geomorphological, ecological and social) of the proposed operation (and mitigation of these) with an emphasis on key ecosystem drivers, fish, macroinvertebrates and downstream users.

A ‘high resolution’ EFlows Assessment of the Kafue River downstream of Ithezi-Thezi, including the Kafue Flats, which consolidates available information and uses it to predict ecosystem responses and the linked social implications to a changes in a range of aspects linked to water-resource development and climate change, such as the flow regime, hydropeaking; sediment dynamics and consideration of the confounding influence of non-flow related issues, such as invasive plants and crayfish, encroachment of human settlements, and; erosion.

The DRIFT EFlows assessment in this project provides advice on how aspects of the Dudhkoshi and Sunkoshi ecosystems can be expected to change under different water and sediment flow regimes (scenarios), and barrier conditions with the idea that this information should then be used to decide what a river is used for and what level of protection it will be afforded. As per the ToR, the source DB for this assessment was the DRIFT database set up for the Poonch River in Pakistan.

Phase 1B: Mentoring a team of IFC-selected Nepalese professionals through the data collection and set-up of a basin-wide DRIFT EFlows DSS for the Trishuli Basin in Nepal to assess options with respect biodiversity protection and sustainability to the development of hydropower plants in the basin.

Environmental Flow Consultant.
Scenarios (pathways) of progressive HP development in the Lower Mekong River were analysed using the DRIFT Database set up for the MRC Council (see below). The pathways considered under the SHDS2018 have a more nuanced approach. The “Design Mitigation”, “Prioritised” and “Preservation” (different forms of mitigation) pathways involve re-design, re-location or deferment to beyond 2040 of certain projects, either in response to regional power demand or to the need to balance trade-offs. An important aspect of the SHDS analysis was to ‘quantify’ the environmental impacts of the alternative pathways in a manner that was consistent with the Council Study analyses. The only way to do this was to the DRIFT (BioRA) model that was established and used for assessing environmental impacts in the Council Study. Using DRIFT allowed the team to directly compare the alternative SHDS pathways with the 2020 (M2) and 2040 (M3) Council Study scenarios.

Environmental Flow Specialist Consultant.
The project is phase 1 of the Kenyan Water Security and Climate Resilience Project (KWSCRP),which has three inter-related components supporting the project development objective,the first is water-resources development,the second is effective water sector institutions and the thrd is support of project implementation.The Environmental Flow Specialist provides support for all three of these through a combination of technical and capacity building tasks.

Project Advisor: The main aim of the project is to classify the water resources of the Berg River Basin and to set Resource Quality Objectives (RQOs) for all significant water resources in the Berg Water Management Area. The RQOs are to be determined in accordance with the Department of Water Affairs' Procedures to Determine and Implement Resource Quality Objectives.

Project Advisor: The main aim of the project is to classify the water resources of the Breede Gouritz Basin and to set Resource Quality Objectives (RQOs) for all significant water resources in the Breede Gouritz Water Management Area. The RQOs are to be determined in accordance with the Department of Water Affairs' Procedures to Determine and Implement Resource Quality.

Environmental Flow assessments for the Neelum, Jhelum and Poonch Rivers affected by the proposed hydropower developments in Pakistani-controlled Kashmir. This project made use of the DRIFT DSS and built on earlier work done in the basin for individual hydropower projects.

Environmental Flow Task Leader. The objectives of the assignment were to:
Consolidated existing DRIFT DSSs for parts of the basin into a single basin-wide DSS
Add sites to allow for the evaluation of additional HPPs envisaged for the basin (Table 1)
Synchronise the baseline hydrology/sediment time-series
Extend the fish migration routes throughout the basin, as appropriate
Run an initial set of basin-wide scenarios to demonstrate the sorts of information that can be provided using the consolidated DSS.

Environmental Flow Task Leader:Environmental Flow assessments for the Upper Trishuli River affected by the proposed Upper Trishuli Hydropower Project in Nepal. Mentoring a Nepalese EFlows specialist through the required tasks to project completion.

Environmental Flows: Environmental Flow assessments for Kouilou-Niari River affected by the proposed Sounda Hydropower Project.

Environmental Flow Task Leader: Environmental Flow assessments for the Neelum and Jhelum Rivers affected by the proposed Kohala Hydropower Project in Pakistani-controlled Kashmir. This project made use of the DSS compiled for the NJHEP HPP project in the same basin, with permission of the client for NJHEP (NESPAK). The database was updated for Karot and Kohala HPPs, plus additional HPPs in the basin, such as Patrind HPP.

Environmental Flow Task Leader: Environmental Flow assessments for the Neelum and Jhelum Rivers affected by the proposed Karot Hydropower Project in Pakistani-controlled Kashmir. This project made use of the DSS compiled for the NJHEP HPP project in the same basin, with permission of the client for NJHEP (NESPAK).

Environmental Flow Task Leader: Environmental Flow assessments for the Neelum and Jhelum Rivers affected by the proposed Balakot Hydropower Project in Pakistani-controlled Kashmir. This project made use of the DSS compiled for the NJHEP HPP project in the same basin, with permission of the client for NJHEP (NESPAK). The database was updated for Karot and Kohala HPPs, and then used for Balakot HPP.

Environmental Flow Task Leader:In line with the ZAMCOM Agreement, the overall objective of the assignment is to support the promotion and coordination of the cooperative management and development of the water resources of the Zambezi Watercourse in a sustainable and climate resilient manner. This will be achieved through the development and implementation of a comprehensive Decision Support System for general decision-making, planning, management, utilisation, development, protection and conservation of the water resources of the Zambezi Basin.
The main components of the assignment are:
1) Upgrading of the existing ZAMWIS Database to be able to serve the DSS purpose.
2) Design and development of the ZAMWIS-Decision Support System.
3) Capacity building at the ZAMCOM Secretariat as well as in the Riparian States. This includes the preparation of a human resource development plan and a proposal for how to fund such a plan.

Generate EFlows relationships between hydrological indicators and potential ecological indicators for each of the locations with existing DRIFT EFlows relationship

To carry out a rapid EFlows assessment and derive environmental flows for the two reaches of the Kafue River:-
River Reach 1 : From Itezhi – Tezhi to Kafue Gorge
River Reach 2 : From Kafue Gorge to the confluence with the Zambezi

Review of baseline report and to design and write up method for use of DRIFT and visioning process

Phase A: Mentoring a team of IFC-selected Nepalese professionals through the data collection and set-up of a basin-wide DRIFT EFlows DSS for the Trishuli Basin in Nepal to assess options with respect biodiversity protection and sustainability to the development of hydropower plants in the basin.

Member of the TMGA Project Environmental Working Group (EWG) formed to assist with site selection and impact monitoring for boreholes sites proposed for bulk water supply to Cape Town.

Process Consultant: Politics and development that are indifferent to sustainability have come at profound cost to the River Ravi ecosystem. The previously rich ecosystem hosted 65 fish species and a myriad of other wildlife; most of which is gone. Much of the floodplain has been converted to farmland or urban development. The perennial and non-perennial tributaries are drains conveying wastewater from large urban centres to the River Ravi. And, in parts, the River Ravi itself can no longer sustain aquatic life throughout the year. The objectives of the River Ravi study are: To undertake a comprehensive current situation assessment of the river basin, including the pollution situation and its impacts on human and ecosystem health, climate change risks and vulnerabilities, institutional gaps and development needs; To summarise the outcomes as an ADB knowledge product that can be used to raise public awareness, foster policy engagement and generate support for the revitalization and resilience plan, and its subsequent implementation; To develop a long-term, multisector plan to revitalize and build resilience in the Ecosystem of River Ravi Basin, including recommendations for investment projects and institutional reforms, including: an analytical framework for the plan developed through multi-stakeholder visioning exercises and consultation and one or two prefeasibility studies will be prepared for identified priority projects.

Environmental Flow Consultant:The proposed approach was to make use of and build on work from the Zambezi Basin on behalf of ZAMCOM as part of the Zambezi Water Resources Information System (ZAMWIS) Enhancement 3 Project.The ZAMWIS approach to EFlows is to use existing DRIFT EFlows databases for the basin to establish relationships between driving hydrological and sediment indicators and responding ecosystem indicators.The idea is to use these to deliver a rapid EFlows assessment for the Kafue Flats and Kafue Gorge for use in ongoing planning initiatives by GFA in Zambia.

Collation of information pertinent to, and generation of Environmental Water Requirement (EWR) data for, the classification of rivers in the Berg River basin and calculation of Resource Quality Objectives (RQOs) for a monitoring programmes.

Collation of information pertinent to, and generation of Environmental Water Requirement (EWR) data for, the classification of rivers in the Breede and Gouritz River basins and calculation of Resource Quality Objectives (RQOs) for a monitoring programmes.

Generating a thorough understanding of the functional ecology of the Elephant Marsh incorporating hydromorphology, ecosystem services, biodiversity, and livelihoods; and model past, present, and future possible management strategies.

An elementary tool for Ecological Reserve monitoring in high-value conservation catchments in South Africa was developed.

To use a variety of data sources to compile a framework of change at temporal and spatial scales of relevance to river ecosystems, and to correlate these with known, and measured, changes in river ecosystem condition with the aim of identifying the long-term: (1) natural cycles; (2) non-flow related impacts and (3) flow related impacts on components of the rivers.

Preparation of management plans for the maintenance activities of riparian land owners along the Breede, Jan Du Toit, Hartebees, Hex, Noree/Vink, Klaasvoogds and Keisie Rivers.

Quantifying the links between patterns of riparian vegetation and flow on South African rivers. Current knowledge, existing data from Reserve studies, and empirical evidence was synthesized to propose a naming convention, methods of identification and a description of the characteristics of lateral zonation patterns in riparian vegetation communities.

An audit of the riparian vegetation of the Koornlands River was undertaken to prepare an exotic plant clearing plan and indigenous riparian vegetation restoration strategy.

The impact of a proposed upgrade of the Charlesford weir and increased abstraction from the Knysna River on the Knysna River and estuary were assessed.

Baseline monitoring and training of local staff in the Phuthiatsana River downstream of the Metolong Dam.  Plus design of the Environmental Flows Policy for the Metolong Dam.

Environmental Flow assessments for the Neelum and Jhelum Rivers affected by the proposed Neelum-Jhelum Hydropower Project in Pakistani-controlled Kashmir.

Baseline monitoring in the Huaura and Checras rivers downstream of the Cheves HPP, plus design of the Environmental Flows Management Plan for the Cheves operation.

Update of PES, EIS and species list databases, plus Factsheets, for over 1500 locations in the Olifants-Doorn, Breede-Overberg, Berg and Gouritz Water Management Areas.

Appointed to do Ecological Flow determinations using DRIFT for two sites on the Blue Nile River in Ethiopia, however, the ESIA was cancelled after the Client decided not to pursue the Mandaya Dam. Project Cancelled after Millenium Dam announced by Ethiopian Government.

Development of Decision Support System (DSS) software to automate the process for Environmental Flow Assessments.  The software is different from current DSSs in the field in that it fully incorporates the ecological, social and socio-economic aspects of management options to the same level of detail and sensitivity as the economic and engineering aspects.  The DSS is based on advances made in the DRIFT methodology through its application in Southern and East Africa.

Assessment of the possible impacts on the lower Zambezi River, and in particular the Zambezi Delta as a result of proposed dredging operation.

Ecological Flow determinations using DRIFT for two sites on the Cunene River in northern Namibia.  The EFs will form an integral part of the ESIA for the proposed hydropower stations at Baynes Gorge.

Ecological Flow determinations using DRIFT for three sites on the Nile River in central Sudan.  The EFs form an integral part of the ESIA for the proposed hydropower stations at Sabaloka, Dagash and Mograt.

The objectives of the Okavango Technical Diagnostic Analysis/EF component are to collate biophysical and social information for the basin into a integrated flow assessment tool, which will allow for the generation of future scenarios of water use and the implications for the rivers, delta and local people for use in water-related decision-making

Provision of environmental flow information to pre-feasibility and feasibility studies of surface water developments to augment the supply of water to Cape Town.  Joint Venture with Ninham Shand and Kwezi V3.

Environmental Water Requirement determinations for a suite of coastal rivers (Moordkuils, Groot Brak, Maalgate, Gwaing, Kaaimans, Goukamma and Noetsie) two estuaries and groundwater in the Outeniqua region of SA, with a strong capacity-building component.  The project has been extended to include design of integration methods for river, estuary, wetlands and groundwater reserve assessments, information provision for the Classification Process and guidelines for implementation.

River Health and Environmental Flow data provision and advice related to the proposed Polihali Dam on the Senqu River.  Co-ordination of all downstream ecological activities, input to decision-making procedures, dam design adjustments and operating rules for the proposed dam.

The objectives of the Pangani Basin Baseline Flow Assessment (FA) Study were to generate baseline data of the condition of the Pangani River system against which the impact of water-related decision-making can be monitored in future; enhance the understanding of the relationship between flow, the river and people among PBWO and MWLD staff; create an awareness of the links between flow and the trade-offs that need to be made in water allocation; develop simple tools to help guide flow management and water allocations in the Pangani Basin; build capacity that will enable PWBO to act as a nucleus of expertise for FA-related work in other areas; support the National Water Policy (NAWAPO_2002) and the National Environmental Management Act (2004).  The project included the design and operation of the Pangani Flows DSS, which was used to assess various (at this stage 18) scenarios related to water resource development and provide information on hydrological, sector allocations, impacts on rivers, wetlands, lakes and the estuary, social impacts related to those impacts and various economic (direct) indicators, specifically those related to HEP, agriculture and ecosystem services

Project Leader and Editor:  Multi-authored book on the history of the management of Cape Town’s rivers, including options of future planning and management.

Freshwater specialist and advisor: A Feasibility Study and Pilot Project into the viability of the TMG Aquifer for bulk water supply to Cape Town, more particularly the deep confined portions of the Peninsula Formation.  Duties included evaluation of proposed well-field sites, design of a monitoring programme to assess future possible impacts of abstraction from the TMG aquifer on rivers and wetlands in the area and review of the subsequent monitoring activities, which have been outsourced.  This project is likely to continue into the future, to encompass establishment of pilot well-field and adaptive management of large-scale water abstraction for supply to Cape Town.

Knowledge management, including:  Information and data management and process design for the Environmental Flow Assessments.  Including database design, population and presentation of results for Phases 2 and 3 of the MRC’s IBFM Programme. Also a review of Decision Support Systems/Models (DSS) designed to show the social, environmental and economic costs and benefits of various kinds of basin development.

Environmental flow specialist: A multidisciplinary team tasked with designing and implementing the operation rules for the Berg River Dam in Franschhoek.  The Berg River Dam is the first dam in South Africa where provision for the Ecological Reserve was included in feasibility, design and operations

Researcher. Research Project aimed at: The development of predictive tools and indices to assess the impact (or risk of impact) of groundwater abstraction on the environment; improved understanding of groundwater dependent ecosystems (GDEs) in the Table Mountain Group (TMG), development of innovative techniques to determine the impacts of groundwater abstraction on the environment; development of indicators to monitor the effect of abstraction; and improved understanding of the impact of changing low flows on freshwater ecology and the relationship between surface flow, event discharge from high-lying TMG unconfined aquifers and deep confined-aquifers in maintaining wetlands or seeps.

Ecological Team Leader: The WRCS, which is required by the SA National Water Act (No. 36 of 1998), is a set of guidelines and procedures for determining the desired characteristics of a water resource, and is represented by a Management Class (MC). The MC outlines those attributes that the custodian (DWAF) and society require of different water resources. The WRCS is to be used in a consultative process to classify water resources to help facilitate a balance between protection and use of the nation’s water resources. The economic, social and ecological implications of choosing a MC will need to be established and communicated to all Interested and Affected Parties during the Classification Process.  The outcome of a Classification Process  using the WRCS is a target Health class for every significant water resource in a basin, plus a monitoring programme for evaluating future management of the basin.  The WRCS is currently undergoing the Gazetting Process for incorporation into South Africa’s water law.

Project Director:  The objectives of Contract LHDA 1237 were to ensure that LHDA’s biophysical monitoring programme was running smoothly, in that LHDA possessed the in-house capacity (i.e., in terms of data collection and analysis) to carry out all the tasks associated with IFR monitoring; data collection and analytical tasks were meeting the goals and objectives set out in the IFR Policy and Procedures and were providing information to: determine if the desired river conditions set out in the IFR Policy were being achieved; and if not; to provide information enable decisions to be made on appropriate action to be taken.

EF Facilitator and process designer:  An advocacy exercise using the DRIFT EF process for the Zambezi Delta involving interest groups instead of biophysical specialists with the main aim of assessing the implications of various release options from the hydropower facility at Cahorra Bassa Dam.

Project leader:  This study objective was to recommend a comprehensive Ecological Water Requirement (EWR) for water quality and quantity, for various reaches of the Olifants and Doring Rivers, two key tributaries, and the Olifants River estuary.  The study also reviewed the importance of groundwater to current and potential users in the catchment.  An additional deliverable was a River and Estuarine Health monitoring programme for assessing the efficacy of management actions in the Olifants-Doring Basin.

EF Team Leader and Advisor:  An assessment of the relationship between the current flow regime in the river and the EFR recommended by the Desktop Model was examined, and appropriate changes be made to the recommended flows.  The results of these analyses were incorporated into the systems modelling for planning purposes.  Thereafter a ToR for a Comprehensive (reactive) EF assessment for the Orange River and its estuary was compiled.

Author: Detailed manual for the biophysical components of the DRIFT method, including user-guides to the DRIFT database and DRIFT Hydrological software.

Documentation and further development of the DRIFT method, a scenario-based methodology for Environmental Flow Assessments, which was developed for use in the Lesotho Highland Water Project.  DRIFT has subsequently been used in seven countries on numerous projects.

IFR Process Co-ordinator, Habitat Integrity Specialist and Group Leader: Determination of the Instream Flow Requirements of the Senqu, Matsoku and Malibamatso and Senqunyane Rivers, as part of the Feasibility studies for all four phases of the proposed Lesotho Highlands Water Project: Co-leader of all pre-project activities including project design, production of the project proposal and negotiations with the client.  Responsibilities include: co-ordination of an IFR Team of international scientists, co-ordination of all IFR activities, Habitat Integrity Assessment of the Senqu, Matsoku and Malibamatso and Senqunyane Rivers within the study area, report writing and compilation of all major reports.  This project led to the development of DRIFT and several other major projects with LHDA. Joint Venture with SMEC International.

EF Team Leader and specialist:  Determination of the water quantity component of the Ecological Reserve for the main rivers within the Breede River Basin as part of the wider Breede River Basin Study (BRBS). 

IFR Process Co-ordinator, Habitat Integrity Specialist and Group Leader: Determination of the Instream Flow Requirements of the Palmiet River, Western Cape as part of the Feasibility studies for the proposed Palmiet Phase 1 development.  Responsibilities include: co-ordination of all IFR activities, Habitat Integrity Assessment of the Palmiet River within the study area.

Project Manager: Development of a system for assessing the habitat integrity and ecological importance of rivers in the Western Cape to facilitate proactive steps to be taken

Project Manager: A project to develop a protocol for selection of reference and monitoring sites for the National Biomonitoring Programme.  Responsibilities included: organisation and co-ordination of a national workshop involving 21 river scientists, chairing workshop sessions, production of the proceedings of the workshop, technical design and decision making, production of a report on reference and monitoring site selection, presentations to the scientific community.  The National Biomonitoring Programme has now been running successfully for almost decade.

Chapter for a report on river master planning for the Chinese Ministry of Water Resources.

Reserve input to Breede River Catchment Management Strategy.

Reserve Specialist: Three-year study that aims to lead to the implementation of one or more previously identified interventions for water supply to urban centres in the Western Cape.

Update of a chapter in PipeDreams (WWF): Case Study 3, the Lesotho Highlands Water Project for World Water Week, Stockholm, Sweden.

Environmental Flow Specialist: Review of previous studies on environmental aquatic status (health) of the Incomati, Umbeluzi and Maputo Rivers and the Maputo Estuary. Estimation of estuarine flow requirements based on literature review and experiences from similar estuaries in Africa and overseas. Expert advice on aquatic ecology for the Environmental Screening of needed infrastructure to augment future water supply to the City of Maputo and its metropolitan area.

Aquatic ecologist: Describe potential for ecosystem service delivery. Describe key goods, services and attributes in relation to ecosystem (river/wetland or estuary) type (e.g. order) and health/integrity (A-F), location or any other easily obtainable spatial variables.

The Olifants Doring River Ecological Reserve and Resource Protection capacity building and training project is intended to support enforcement and monitoring of operating rules and compliance with the Ecological Reserve for the Olifants-Doring catchment through the transfer of the relevant technical information from these studies to the responsible DWAF staff and members of the proposed Olifants-Doorn Catchment Management Agency (CMA).

Integrated Flow Specialist: A series of workshops and meetings with Department of Water Affairs and Forestry dam operators and system managers aimed at identifying constraints on and opportunities for implementation of the Ecological Reserve, including: operating rules, on-job support mechanisms, communication channels, training, reporting, public liaison, compliance and monitoring infrastructure, and optimal use of available information platforms, such as HYDSTRA.

Environmental Flow Specialist: A comprehensive study of the water resources supplying the Knysna Metropolitan Area leading to a Strategy for meeting the town’s water requirements in a sustainable manner.

Advisor: Advisor on Reserve-related issues pertaining to Western Cape rivers, including determination, classification, operation rules and monitoring.

Guidance for the IUCN initiatives related to support for the Ecological Reserve in the Olifants catchment, specifically suggestions for the direction of these initiative and mapping a suggested way forward.
Ecological Reserve related input: Provision of Reserve-related issues pertaining to the Olifants-Doring catchment, including determination, classification, implementation and monitoring, for use in the Jan Dissels Compulsory Licensing exercise.
Process facilitator: Ecological Flow determinations using DRIFT for the Mzingwane River outside of Bulawayo, with a strong capacity-building component. Tasked with leading an inexperienced team through a DRIFT workshop and providing output to facilitate discussions with the Bulawayo city managers.

EF Team leader: Ecological Flow determinations using DRIFT for the Phuthiatsana River is situated in western Lesotho near Thaba Bosiu. It is also known as the Little Caledon River, and is a tributary of the Caledon River. The EFs formed an integral part of the EIA for the proposed Metolong Dam intended to supply the capital, Maseru.

Environmental Flow Specialist: A comprehensive study of the water resources supplying the George Metropolitan Area leading to a Strategy for meeting the city’s water requirements in a sustainable manner.

Trainer: EFR Training course, including field work, for international participants in Swaziland (Annually, 3 days).

Ecological Task Leader: A comprehensive study of the water resources supplying the Greater Cape Town Metropolitan Area leading to a Strategy for meeting the city’s water requirements in a sustainable manner.

Presenter and author:  Presentations and papers aimed at increasing the awareness and understanding of the role of river flow in the management of natural fisheries around the globe.

Reviewer of the methods, progress and reports from the Maguga Dam Environmental Flows Monitoring Programme for the Komati River downstream of the dam (Swaziland and South Africa).


Reviewer and EWR Advisor:  This study objective is to recommend a comprehensive Ecological Water Requirement (EWR), for water quality and quantity, for various reaches of the Komati River.

Researcher:  Contributor to reports and proposals for the CGIAR Comprehensive Assessment, in particular those pertaining to EFs.

Lecturer:  1 week training session for 20-25 Tanzanian technical staff in methods for defining environmental flow options for Tanzanian rivers, with particular emphasis on the upper Rufiji Basin.  Including:

  • Support IUCN in planning and implementation of course
  • Preparation of training materials
  • Trainers and facilitators during training course

Evaluation of course and preparation of report on a revised future programme.

Reviewer of South African River Health Programme Reports in various river systems, including Olifants-Doring River, rivers of the Gourtiz Water Management Area, rivers of Cape Town and the Berg River.

Responsible with Jackie King, for all aspects of Conference Organisation.  Including: conceptualisation of the conference, fund raising, selection of scientific papers, programme, venue, events, invited speakers, proceedings, etc.

Responsible with Jackie King, for all aspects of Conference Organisation.  Including: conceptualisation of the conference, fund raising, selection of scientific papers, programme, venue, events, invited speakers, proceedings, etc.

Project leader and main co-researcher: Preparation of a river-by-river maintenance guide manual for the rivers within the Cape Town Metropole, with respect to most suitable management practice and consideration of ecological sensitivity needs.

IFR Process Co-ordinator, Habitat Integrity Specialist and Group Leader: Determination of the Instream Flow Requirements of the Wit River, Bains Kloof, as part of the Feasibility studies for the proposed Wit River Dam.  Responsibilities include: project design, proposal production, co-ordination of IFR Team and all IFR activities, Habitat Specialist inputinto the design of the outlet structure in Skuifraam Dam on the Berg River, Western Cape, to facilitate the release of the channel maintenance floods requested as part of the IFR for the Berg River.

River health assessment for the Wit River, upstream of, and in, Bain’s Kloof.

Integrity Assessment of the Wit and Breede Rivers within the study area, liaison with Interested and Affected Parties.  The project was terminated in March 1998, following protest against the dam.

Project Leader: A Bulk Water Estimate (BWE) of four river reaches being investigated as possible sites for water resource developments to supply water to the Nkomati mine.  A BWE is a first estimate of the Instream Flow Requirements (IFR) that would be defined in a full-scale IFR Workshop, based on analyses of past results.  Responsibilities included: determination of the preliminary Desired Future State of the study rivers through interviews with Interested and Affected Parties, organisation and co-ordination of the BWE Workshop and report writing.

Scribe and compiler of proceedings: Responsibilities included: attendance at the workshop and production of the proceedings, liaison with the specialists.

Project Leader: A project conducted in close liaison with Interested and Affected Parties to assess the water resource developments proposed in the Western Cape System Analysis in terms of the following:  the conservation status (habitat integrity), relative rehabilitation potential and relative ecological importance, within a regional context, of the rivers on which they are situated; the potential impacts of inundation on vegetation and fish; the viability of the projected yields of each scheme, from an environmental perspective and with respect to the needs of the downstream riverine ecosystems, taking into account their relative ecological importance.

Ecological specialist: Phase 1 of the Palmiet Catchment Management Plan (PCMP) had the following objectives: to identify and source existing information on the Palmiet River catchment that could be used to inform the PCMP; to summarise the nature of the existing information; to assess the reliability of the existing information and its applicability to the PCMP; to determine additional information required for the PCMP; to recommend actions required to gather the additional information; to provide a work programme and a cost estimate for the collection of the additional information.